Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Here goes something

So, I've got myself a blog.

The last time I did this was my xanga in... 8th grade? Somewhere around there. I wouldn't say it went particularly well. I think I had about 5 posts. So here's hoping this one is more successful.

It's going to be hard to find a "voice" for these. Obviously it's going to be my voice (or hopefully at least), but should it be addressed to you guys being my high school friends whom this blog is partially intended for? Or should it be to you guys, the abstract floaty forms of interneteers? I guess I don't have to decide right now.

Uh oh. I just had my first self-critique that resulted in the deletion of an entire paragraph. Hmm. This might be more challenging (= less fun) than I'd thought. Hopefully not.

Recently I've discovered that I really enjoy talking programming with other comp sci majors, something I'd previously prided myself on detesting. But I'm taking it as a good thing. I haven't sold my soul to my major, I'm just... discovering more of a passion for it than before? Here's hoping that this passion continues for the rest of my life!

I think with that, I deem this post sufficiently long for the first one. (I kind of want to write another one. This is certainly addicting. But I do need to get some work done on my computer architecture homework that I wish would just figure itself out already)


  1. Hi Laura!

    Can I be an abstract floaty form? Pretty please?

    Love, Alex

  2. Yaaaaaaay blog!

    It's odd, because I feel like I'm much more expressive of what I'm trying to say when I'm writing it down.

    It's super fun! Stick with it!
